
Our teams will help you to improve your knowledge of your own capabilities, extend your toolbox by trying out positive communication, collective intelligence, the coaching attitude, and prepare yourself to let go, free up energy and allow all individuals to express their individual talents.

We will also help to ensure you consider key factors, start appropriate trials for the learning process and avoid the traps inherent in this approach in your role as manager.

This pathway is a journey to your core self, comprising three two-day sessions and feedback over one day at the end of the pathway.

The Roadbook

  • Session 1: Check out and try out initial tools – Prepare for the journey
  • Session 2: Improve your approach – Take initial steps
  • Session 3: In-depth training/personal development – Learn to learn
  • Session 4: Feedback and practical learning – Real-life practice

Our approach will be led by professional coaches and aims to improve collective intelligence and facilitation type tools as well as positive and supervisory communication methods. The third part of the journey will be based on symbolic tales and the book by Robert Dilts The Hero’s Journey: A Voyage of Self Discovery.


How we train managers

Two professional coaches certified by inov-On Expérience and a group of 12 or less people.

  • Inter or intra-company options
  • 3 x 2-day sessions + 1 day of feedback over 6 to 8 months
  • Location: outside of the workplace, at a site which is suitable for brainstorming and meditation
Contact us to discuss your needs

More details


3 x 2-day sessions + 1 day of feedback over 6 to 8 months

Target audience

Group of 12 or less people


Outside of the workplace, at a site which is suitable for brainstorming and meditation


Two professional coaches certified by inov-On Expérience

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